Virtual training with Chinnor Kettlebells

Chinnor Kettlebells Members

During this time of self isolation, looking after our mental and physical health is going to be paramount. But that’s not going to be easy if you’re stuck indoors for a prolonged period of time.

Unknown-1Chinnor Kettlebells has a solution to allow you to exercise with a group, in the comfort of your own home. By utilising social media, Daren of Chinnor Kettlebells has set up a virtual training community allowing customers to access training routines and live classes remotely.

For those of who don’t know, kettlebells are weights, shaped as kettles. They range in weight so the user can work at a rate relevant to their fitness levels. They are an excellent all body exercise tool for cardiovascular as well as strength and toning.

Chinnor Kettlebell’s virtual community will receive a minimum of five workouts per week, including live streaming of classes, with workouts that can be joined in real-time or at a time that’s convenient for you.

Daren is also very kindly loaning customers kettlebells if they don’t have their own. A small deposit will be required in this case.

The cost is just £22 per month, which gives access to the whole household.

Contact Daren from Chinnor Kettlebells to join:

Tel: 07801 553019

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