NATURAL SOLUTIONS for Optimal Health Immunity, By Peter Dewdney, Nutritional Therapist, Associate Naturopath (mBANT, mANP, mGNC)

We all have a wonderful opportunity to improve our health during the summer in readiness of the Autumn and Winter months when sessional illness usually occurs.

This year is a better reason than any others to really do something to improve upon your general health which in turn improves your immunity.

Whether you suffer from poor digestive health, arthritic or musculoskeletal symptoms, low mood or seasonal illness, carry a little additional weight or simply a bit unfit, your immunity can be compromised.

The first place to start is with your daily diet and a look at what’s being eaten. Can the diet be improved on by adding something fresh or raw, could additional vegetables be added or possibly fresh fruit. A good balance of the right foods is important in each meal, ideally containing carbohydrates, protein and good fats. Most of us drink very little water and are dehydrated and therefore unable to efficiently remove unwanted toxins from our body. Water helps to balance the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract and its processes as well as many other very important roles.

Secondly look at your obvious dietary shortfall created by likes, dislikes, dietary exclusions and lifestyle choices. This is when natural supplementation plays a key role in filling in those nutritional shortfalls with the use for example of a multivitamin or specific nutrient such as Vitamin B12. If you eat very little fresh fruit and vegetables then you are likely very short in B Vitamins, Vitamin C and many others. If you eat a vegetarian diet then amino acids are likely deficient as would be Vitamin B12, Iron and others.

In practice I spend some time exploring our ability to process foods, the times when meals are eaten, how long is the digestive tract given to process foods before going to bed, I even explore eliminated waste which offers the observer an enormous amount of useful information.

A strong robust digestive tract is more often than not a reflection of a good, strong and well-functioning immune system capable of great things.

In clinic I commonly use natural supplementation alongside diet to assist with a condition or symptoms, ensuring all dietary and supplementary changes work together with existing medications.

If you have been tolerating a persistent or troublesome symptom which requires greater investigation then please contact me to discuss in a little more detail.

Take this period of time to improve on your health feeling confident in your ability to be healthy throughout this year and next.

To arrange a consultation or for further information please fill in the Contact Form on my website: 

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