Introducing… Neil Hussey, Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach


Hi, I’m Neil and I am looking forward to coming on board with Look Local Magazine as their monthly Fitness feature writer. As a PT with over 16 years experience, I hope to be able to educate you all on the importance of taking time out for you, to focus on improving your overall health.  Whether you are looking to lose weight, train for a specific event or simply feel healthier, I provide personal training tailored to your individual goals. 

I like to practice what I preach,  however I also understand how hard it can be to juggle work, family and other commitments to train. I am married and have an 13 year old son who, although can help motivate, can definitely be an easy reason not to train.

I aim to motivate you, but not through shouting or by making you feel guilty if you’ve haven’t been able to fit in the training I’ve set you since the last session. Instead I prefer to gain an understanding as to why it’s not worked and find a solution to enable you to continue with your workouts and get the best out of our sessions. And having trained for many events myself I know exactly what you are going through and also how difficult it can be sometimes with injuries and lack of motivation.

As well as face-to-face training I also offer online Personal Training via an easy to navigate app, which you can use anywhere in the world. The app provides you with bespoke training programmes, meal plans, coaching tips, exercise videos, progress tracking, notifications so you never miss another workout, instant messaging with your PT and so much more.

So if you are looking for a personal trainer who is going to come and shout at you for an hour, make you feel guilty and look down at you from a pedestal for not doing anything between sessions, and then make you not be able to walk from doing hundreds of burpees as punishment, then sorry I am not the PT for you! However, if you are looking for someone to confide in, a PT who will understand and help you overcome the obstacles that life throws at us and help you reach your goals, who you may well see out with a beer in his hand, then we need to talk.

For more information about NHPT contact:

M: 07590 676 205 | E: | W:
Facebook: NHPT | Twitter : @NHPTHUB | Instagram : @NHPTHUB

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