Immunity (Part 1, Vitamin D)…


A high level of immunity is something we all want right now, but how best can this be achieved.

First of all, we should concentrate on our everyday diet ensuring we eat a balance of protein, carbohydrates and good fats with every meal. Whenever possible try and eat fresh ingredients including vegetables and fruits which offer nutrients and important dietary fibre. Allow enough time before bed to fully process your latest meal, usually around 2, ideally 3 hours.

Reduce foods which are high in acidity, balancing with more alkaline foods and ensuring your daily water intake is sufficient. Bear in mind alcohol can act as a diuretic reducing your bodies hydration levels. Poor hydration can increase digestive acidity.

During periods of stress it is not uncommon to experience digestive disruption caused by the slowing of the gastrointestinal tract. It would be advisable during these times to eat smaller more frequent meals reducing the load placed upon the system. Foods usually well tolerated can become troublesome causing indigestion, reflux and bowel irregularities. Try and identify these foods either reducing their intake or removing them temporally.

A healthy and correctly functioning digestive system is crucial to the immune system from the point of view of breaking down, processing and absorbing foods as well as efficiently eliminating unwanted material and waste. Well over 50% of our bodies immunology in positioned within the gastrointestinal tract.

When considering dietary supplementation to enhance dietary intake and immunity, Vitamin D and Vitamin C has been referenced in the news, notifications, medical communications and the press. Both these nutrients play a key role in the correct functioning of our bodies immune ability and are commonly deficient due to a variety of reasons. Very early research from America has shown those with underlying health conditions more vulnerable to the Covid 19 virus, show deficiencies in Vitamin D levels amongst other factors.

In my view gained in private practice with the use of testing as well as 20 years retail experience, the large majority of us including children are short of this nutrient and would benefit from supplementation in addition to dietary increases.  Foods offering the best levels of Vitamin D include egg yolks, milk, butter, sprouted seeds, fish oils from herring, halibut and cod.

Supplementation in different forms and dosages are available with advice from Planet Health and Organics, Greyhound Walk, Thame, Oxfordshire.01844215521. Post, delivery and collection available.

Part 2: Immunity continued and the role of Vitamin C in the body.

For more information please contact me via

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