Mama Dors Gujarati Chicken Masala


Check out this wonderful recipe from Mama Dor’s Kitchen for a truly delicious and healthy chicken curry; a very treasured family favourite called Gujarati Chicken Masala. Make this delicious mild curry to enjoy with the whole family. In fact, if you’re home with the kids, get them involved in the cooking too as this recipe really is so simple.


Serves 4

  • 2 tablespoons of Mama Dor’s Gujarati Chicken Masala spice blend*
  • 600g chicken (thigh works best)
  • 300g natural yoghurt
  • 2 tablespoons tomato puree
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


  1. Make a paste by mixing the Mama Dor’s Spice Blend with the yoghurt and tomato puree. Add the chicken and mix thoroughly.
  2. Marinade for as long as you can. Even 30 minutes will do the trick, but the longer the better. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion in olive oil, until golden brown. Add the chicken and marinade sauce and mix well. Reduce heat, cover and leave to cook for 30-40mins, until the chicken is cooked through, stirring occasionally.
  3. Serve with boiled basmati rice or naan bread.

Mama Dor’s top tips for cooking this dish:

  • Chicken thighs work best as they can absorb more flavour and retain their moisture. If you’re using chicken breast, it won’t need as long to cook
  • Leave the chicken marinate to sit at room temperature for about 10mins before cooking. If you take it straight out of the fridge and into a hot pan, the yoghurt will curdle and split
  • If you like more sauce, just adjust up the quantity of yoghurt and tomato puree (keeping the ratios the same)
  • Once the onions have browned, this can all be thrown in the slow cooker for even more ease

Now really is the time to be polishing those cookery skills. And with Mama Dor’s spice blends, there isn’t any hassle dry roasting whole blends, or having multiple packets of spices you’ll probably only ever use once. Mama Dor has done all the hard work for you! With over 20 spice blends to choose from, there really is something for everyone.

Keep an eye on Mama Dor’s social media over the coming weeks and months. There’ll be live cook-a-longs for adults and children, plus a variety of tips and hints to make the next few months full of your favourite spices!

Based in Chinnor, Mama Dor is currently offering free home deliveries locally to those who are having to self-isolate. Shipping throughout the UK is also available. For more information, visit 

* Note, if you do not have the Mama Dor’s Gujarati Chicken Masala Spice Blend, you can substitute for a generic curry powder blend. It won’t be as aromatic or authentic but the method described above will give you a very simple chicken curry.

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