A Family Ticket to the 21st Abingdon Air and Country Show!


The 21st Abingdon Air and Country Show on Saturday 11th September provides a great day out for all the family with “something for everyone”, whilst raising money for charitable causes. Please be aware that we will be following any guidelines and restrictions laid down by the Government.

Once again, we are organising another action-packed programme and can confirm RAF participation in the form of the frontline Typhoon, making its first solo appearance and the BBMF Spitfire. Also displaying, amongst others, will be a B17 ‘Sally B’, The Blades aerobatic team, a Westland Wessex helicopter and a ‘Russian’ Spitfire! On the ground we welcome The Solent Stars Motorcycle Display Team, the Wallingford Dog Training team plus the return of HawkWalk falconry and some of our ever-popular musicians and dancers. Further information about this year’s event will be featured in the September issue of Look Local.

To be in with a chance to WIN one of three Family Tickets (2 Adults & 2 Children – aged 15 or under) simply email (info@look-localmagazine.co.uk) the answer to this question along with your contact details;


Three winners will be selected at random from all correct entries and notified after the closing date of 27.08.21

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