Help Us Celebrate Patrick Collins and Support his Work for Amnesty International

Patrick Collins

On Sunday 22nd May at 7.45pm at The Players Theatre will host a celebration of the life of Patrick Collins. Patrick was a local poet who did fantastic work raising funds for his number-one cause, Amnesty International. Sadly, he passed away last December. For many years the theatre played host to the evenings of words and music he arranged in aid of Amnesty International. During these evenings he was accompanied by actors, singers and others who supported this great cause. 

His support team have decided there can be no better way to celebrate his life than with an evening of words and music, like the many Patrick produced in support of Amnesty International.  They are coming together on 22nd May to do just that and have put together a selection of the best poems and songs featured over the years. Many of the words will be Patrick’s, many of the music pieces will be his favourites. 

The support team consists of Shakespearian and TV actor, Bruce Alexander – perhaps best known for his role as Superintendent Mullett in the detective series A Touch of Frost, operatic tenor Adrian Thompson, Judy Thompson, Tina Cadle, June Garland, and Iain Rodgers.  

Their celebration of Patrick’s life will be poignant, but most of all thoroughly entertaining, as Patrick’s shows always were. As always, all proceeds from the performance will go to Amnesty International.

Join us to support an essential cause and remember this great man of Thame who is sadly missed.


  • A Celebration of Patrick Collins is on Sunday 22nd May at 7.45 pm at the Players Theatre OX9 2DP. Tickets are £13 – £15.
  • Book online at

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