Window Wanderland – A Walking Trail to Light up Thame this Winter

Window Wanderland Social Media (1)

Come on a magical evening walk and enjoy colourful displays in the windows & gardens of Thame in a brand new event which takes places between Friday 18th – Thursday 24th December 2020.

Thame’s Window Wanderland also invites all residents and town-centre businesses of Thame to take part by creating one of the displays in their own windows or gardens. Each display will form part of this magical trail that will amuse, entertain, and enthrall the whole community during the week running up to Christmas. Over 120 venues have already signed up but there is definitely room for more! Please spread the word and save the date for this magical event.

What goes into the displays is totally up to you: from a string of fairy lights to a band playing in the living room, from simple to spectacular: as long as it’s family friendly, anything goes. It’s easy to put your house on the map if you want to make a display, just visit our event here to sign up. There is plenty of inspiration on the website in the ‘display ideas’ pages.

The community initiative is being organised by Thame’s 3 primary schools with support from Thame Town Council and Lucy Electric. The event will be raising money for the schools and the fundraising link is also available at the web address above.  Closer to the 18 December a downloadable map will be released on the website to allow you to easily find every venue that is taking part. Printed maps may also be available – check the website nearer the time.

Window Wanderland was created in 2015 in Bristol by Lucy Reeves, a mum, artist and ‘nosy parker’ who says:

“Everyone has a playful side to them they just need an opportunity to show it. I wanted to make an event that anyone can participate in and do something different. This brightens up the long Winter nights giving everyone a great excuse to get outdoors. It is a proper grassroots community event. Since 2015 we have had over 47 events nationwide, including overseas. You are joining in with a happy family of not-for-profit volunteers who want to brighten their world!”

As a not-for-profit organisation, Window Wanderland is passionate about social change and recognises that although we live closer than ever, we are becoming more isolated, with over 7.5 million people now living alone in the UK. Window Wanderland is embraced by those who see it, young and old.

Thame’s Window Wanderland aspires to bring positivity and warmth into people’s lives. It is an inclusive community event, aimed at bringing everyone together to have FUN. So tell your friends to save the date, wrap up warm, and join us for Thame’s magical Wanderland.

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