Tips for Saving Energy


With rising energy costs at this difficult time, how can we save money on energy bills?

Below are a few ideas that could help and any measures that you take would have the added benefit of reducing your carbon footprint, so that you can help the planet too!

  • Have you got thick curtains? If not, why not invest in some thermal-lined ones and make sure you draw them at dusk. It is amazing how many people do not draw their upstairs curtains until bedtime.
  • Draught-proof your windows and doors. This simple DIY project is one of the cheapest ways to save energy. However, take care not to block or seal any ventilation such as underfloor grilles or air bricks as it is necessary to have fresh air and reduce condensation.
  • Have shorter showers and only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need for your cuppa. If you use a dishwasher, fill it to capacity before you set it off.
  • Turn the heating temperature down, and put on an extra layer.
  • Wash clothes at a lower temperature – 30 or 40 degrees is often adequate.
  • Avoid using a tumble drier and dry your clothes outdoors when the weather allows.
  • Fit foil or reflector panels behind radiators so that heat is reflected back into the room.
  • If you have a hot water cylinder, fitting an insulating jacket could save £20 year. Similarly, make sure all pipes a lagged.
  • Replace doors and windows with efficient double or triple glazing.
  • Install roof or loft insulation. A quarter of heat is lost through the roof in an uninsulated home.
  • Houses built between the 1920s and the 1990s could have cavity walls. These can be injected with insulating material by a specialist company.
  • Replace halogen bulbs with LEDs and use energy-efficient appliances.

For more information, look at:

Cathy Gaulter-Carter       Chinnor & Thame Friends of the Earth

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