Thame Players’ Shows are shining brighter thanks to a Rectory Foundation Grant

(Photo left to right) Steve Lambell and Phil Holland (Thame Players), Poppy Bethell-Vickers and Sarah Vickers (Rectory Foundation), in front of some of the new lights at the theatre.

New brighter lighting has been installed at the Players Theatre in time for this year’s pantomime Aladdin, which is being performed from today until Sunday. This has been made possible thanks to a grant from the Rectory Foundation. 

The new lights are a lot brighter than the old ones due to improved optics and they use less energy, which means they are more environmentally efficient. They also produce less heat as the wattage is significantly lower than the old lights, they’re lighter, more flexible, and easier to maintain. Other advantages include the ability to alter focal length, zooming the lens in or out, as well as being able to project hundreds of lighting images, such as lightning or moonlight. It’s even possible to focus on a single actor’s face by using a device called an iris that slots into the lamp to make the beam of light even smaller. 

Sarah Vickers of the Rectory Foundation said,

“We are delighted to have awarded Thame Players Theatre Company a grant towards the installation of energy-efficient lighting. Through this project they are keeping the theatre up to date with modern requirements and energy standards. With a green conscience, and through the use of local businesses to fulfil the project, Thame Players Theatre Company will continue to shine as a beacon for the arts within the local community. As they say, on with the show!”

Sarah continued,
“We have supported many local charities and community groups with grants over the last 14 years. Creating the Rectory Foundation was the next step to allow us to support even more community organisations with their vital work, building and strengthening communities beyond bricks and mortar. We are looking to give opportunities in places where they may be lacking, helping community projects that improve the local environment, accessible community areas or buildings, and green spaces.”

Steve Lambell, a director of Thame Players, said,
“The grant we have been awarded by the Rectory Foundation is very welcome as we upgrade our lighting. Not only will shows be better lit, audiences will be more comfortable too, because the new lights dissipate heat rather than concentrating it over the audience’ heads. Pantomime audiences will be the first to benefit from the new lighting, but we’re looking forward to it enhancing future performances of both in-house productions and visiting shows. Grants such as this help to ensure the theatre’s long-term survival as a a popular and valued cultural resource in the town.”

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