Look locally over the garden gate with Lucie Giselle Ponsford

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January a moment of calm in the garden, well at least on the surface of things,: there are plenty of jobs (pruning roses a priority, see my FB for more info & how to’s) and there are plenty of things performing their hearts out for the rewards afforded to the few at this time of year. 

Hope and promise with new shoots of the bulbs planted in the autumn or those lying latent since last winter, daffodils, snowdrops, first dwarf Iris all showing face.  Cyclamen too, bedding beauties: naturalised they will flower in shady spots, or brought from the hothouse to our window sills, they are a hopeful and enduring show of colour, red, white, pinks and purples. 

The lovely thing about the cyclamen is their ability to endure.  They are the symbol of eternal and steadfast love because of their round corm, which will flower, sometimes for centuries and even lie latent in harsh conditions till it suits to grow. Cyclamen persicum (from Persia) are not hardy, but others, all in the Primulaceae family will happily naturalise in your garden in similar conditions to your primroses so plant out once they have finished flowering in your pot arrangements.  But for now enjoy their happy, down turned faces and heart shaped leaves perfect for New Year cheer.

For more top tips on planting and flowering or for other garden services see my Facebook page Mimosa Design, email me on info.mimosadesign@gmail.com or call 07737 286784. 

With love,  Lucie, Mimosa Design

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