International Womens Day at the Brushwood Suite

IWD - Group Facebook Posts

Princes Risborough Town Council is proud to welcome Risborough residents, friends, and visitors to its first International Women’s Day event at the Brushwood Suite on Wednesday 8 March 2023.

Join Princes Risborough Town Council for an informal evening of celebration, inspiration, and connection as guests are invited to hear from a panel of wonderful women on the topics of Health, Welfare, and Sociology. Confirmed speakers include actress, singer, and founder of Happy Healthy Club, Suzanne Shaw; social historian, acclaimed author and public speaker, Jane Robinson; trustee of One Can Trust and head of stakeholder of communications at Action for Children, Kate Brewster; and the UK’s leading shyness expert, author and founder of Shy and Mighty, Nadia Finer.

The event will run from 7:00 pm with the panel starting at 7:30 pm. Each speaker will present for 15-minutes and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end. The Brushwood Suite’s dedicated licensed bar will be open between 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This panel event is inclusive and open to all. Seated tickets can be purchased in advance from WeGotTickets for £5.50 (including booking fee) or, subject to availability, on the door for £7. All proceeds will be split between various women’s charities. To purchase tickets in advance, please visit

For the latest information, please go to or search ‘Risborough Town Council’ on Facebook.

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